Heartfelt Health: Reflecting on Employee Wellness During Heart Health Month
TradeTrans goes red for Heart Health Month
This February, TradeTrans is committed to raising awareness about heart health and celebrating the well-being of our invaluable team members.
It’s no secret that supply chain management is demand-driven, but that shouldn’t mean it takes a demand on heart.
Here’s a look at what a few of our TradeTrans team members do to support their heart health:
Bob Antes, president and founder: Work out regularly, look on the bright side and enjoy each day, eat sensibly and dine out periodically.
Elaine Barone, procurement clerk: Walk and eat healthy.
Kara Boyle, operations specialist: As a mom, I often lose sight of myself and forget that I am important too! About a month ago, I decided to stop getting fast food so much and have been eating a salad every day for lunch since then. I also bring yogurt and some fruit for my snacks instead of chips. Not only have a lost a few pounds, but my mood has been a lot more positive, knowing I am eating healthy and doing something good for myself.
Janet Deverso, operations manager: I use lavender oil in my diffuser to help me get a better night’s sleep.
Sandy Kane, procurement manager: I prioritize heart health by playing with my dogs outside.
Laura Lee Holmbo, business development: I try to eat healthy and get a lot of movement throughout the day.
By embracing heart-healthy habits and supporting one another on our wellness journeys, we can ensure that every heartbeat resonates with strength, vitality, and joy.